Using our imaginations to travel the world

Discovering new cultures, new friends and new adventures.

Spanish immersion classes for Viajeros

Children 3 to 5 years old
Entering the preschool years is another world. Why? becomes their favorite word and we certainly take advantage of that. Aboard Michuchutren™ and fully immersed in the Spanish language, we encourage every child to use their imaginations and curiosity to gain oral comprehension of the language. Every class includes a themed hands-on-project, story time, a healthy dose of movement and lots of music that will expose them to a great Spanish vocabulary while they become familiar with more complex aspects of the language engaging in adventures with friends and teachers. We provide the environment for them to just Love Spanish!

Take a Photo Tour

Arlington classes are part of Arlington’s Park and Recreation program. Classes are given in eight week sessions and all registration process is made through them. Once you click the “register Here” ling, you will be redirected to their page. Place select ‘languages’ to display all our classes.

Classes at Fairlington, Arlington VA

Fairlington Community center
3308 S Stafford St 
ArlingtonVA 22206

Tuesdays 4:00pm to 4:50pm
Saturdays 10:00am to 10:50am

Pasion por el Español – Passion for the Spanish Language.

There is people who learn a language and there is people who “love” the language. We want our students to LOVE the Spanish language and feel proud of becoming bilingual.

Our Approach

Instilling passion for the Spanish Language
Our main mission is to instill on children a real passion for being bilingual and for the Spanish Language. There is said that “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” – Franck Smith.

Learning a second language brings many advantages in our lifes and the best way to become fluent is by learning it in our early years. We are providing a full immersion experience so that they can learn through meaningful, real-world activities.

Multiple Intelligences:
Following the theories of Psychologist Howard Gardner, we believe every child has a different way of Learning. We provide in every class a set of activities to cover different approaches such as musical, visual, linguistic, logical or social between others.
Spiral Curriculum
Activities insisde the curriculum are intentionally design to introduce key concepts through repetition and reinforce them by increasing the degrees of complexity for each concept.
We have included a broad array of hands-on projects through different STEAM activities to promote critical thinking, listening and concentration. We use cultural events to introduce concepts, involve students in art activities, science, experiments, cooking, puzzles, Legos and free play to approach their varied interests.
Multi-grade classroom
We provide a multi-grade and multi-level classroom where children have different ages as well as different levels of Spanish knowledge. This type of structure is a natural extension of life in the “real world”. Younger children learn from older children while older children reinforce basic concepts and learn social skills as interaction with other ages is fostered. Children with English background interact with Spanish only speakers, creating a perfect bilingual environment.


We love Music

Music is a multi-sensory experience that does seem to enhance young children’s intelligence, reasoning skills, memory, and language skills. Participating in musical games or moving to music is a great way for preschoolers to “get their energy out.” Music allows learners to acquire information naturally and presents information as parts and wholes. We’ve created a selected collection of songs that teaches children about daily themes, encouraging them to move, dance and sing along.

Creativity is always on
Dances and costumes

Dances and costumes

Creativity is not a special gift of some, it is a quality that can be nurture in everyone. Creativity helps teach cognitive skills such as mathematics and scientific thinking and is key in problem-solving. We use creative activities to promote social development, support physical, language and literacy development. Every day is filled with opportunities to explore their creative selves and we provide lots of opportunities to explore materials and pursue their ideas while using their imagination.

Role Play
Time to pretend

Time to pretend

Young children learn by imagining and doing. Have you ever watched your child pick up a stone and pretend it is a zooming car, or hop a Lego across the table as if it were a person or a bunny?

When your child engages in pretend (or dramatic) play, he is actively experimenting with the social and emotional roles of life. Through cooperative play, he learns how to take turns, share responsibility, and creatively problem-solve. When your child pretends to be different characters, he has the experience of “walking in someone else’s shoes,” which helps teach the important moral development skill of empathy.


“Movement is at the very center of young children’s lives. It is an important facet of all aspects of their development, whether in the motor, cognitive, or affective domains of human behavior. To deny children the opportunity to reap the many benefits of regular, vigorous physical activity is to deny them the opportunity to experience the joy of efficient movement, the health effects of movement, and a lifetime as confident, competent movers.” -Gallahue (1993).

We do not stay sited for long periods of time. We stand up to dance, play and go outdoors to exercise.

Listening and Telling Stories
Michuchutren methodology

Reading stories, listening to them and telling them themselves, promotes the child’s imagination. It is extremely important for Early Literacy Development as well as visual learning skills. “What Einstein was able to do was to think visually.”

Storytelling is an art that has mental, social and educational benefits on children. People of all ages love stories. Children are great fans of stories and love to listen to them. The most bulging benefit of storytelling is increased knowledge in children. They get to know about various places, practices in life, relationships etc